Project Planning – What to Do When Waiting for a Code Review


Before asking my question, I must explain the situation.

I'm working for a company as a junior software engineer. One of the seniors always stops me when I have finished my development and want to commit.

He always wants me to wait for him to review it. This is ok, because usually he finds some bugs, and does some optimizations.

However I must commit my code before the deadline. When I finished, I call him and say it is finished. He usually comes late. So my code is late too.

My question is, what should I do? Should I wait him for a review?

EDIT: Addition to the question. I'm curious about one more issue.

I want to be free when coding. How could I gain the trust for freedom of development?

Some explanations:
I've talked with him about this. But it didn't help. We use an issue tracker already, but there isn't any task for reviews. There are just development and test tasks.

Best Answer

So my code is late too.

No, it is not your code, it is the code of you and the senior. You are working as a team, you have a shared responsibility, and when you two miss a deadline, it is the fault of both of you. So make sure the one who makes the deadlines notices that. If that person sees that as a problem, too, he will surely talk to both of you together - that may help more than a single talk with you coworker.

And to your EDIT:

I want to be free when coding. How could I gain the trust for development freedom?

Reviewing code is one of the most important quality savers. It is virtually impossible to write excellent code without a second pair of eyes, even when you have >20 years of programming experience. So in a good team, everyones code should be constantly reviewed - your senior's code as well as your code. This has nothing to do with distrust against you in person (or, at least, it should not). As long as you believe that "free coding" without a second pair of eyes is better, you are still a junior programmer.