Clean Code – How to Edit a Chain of If-Else Statements to Adhere to Uncle Bob’s Clean Code Principles?

clean codeconditions

I'm trying to follow Uncle Bob's clean code suggestions and specifically to keep methods short.

I find myself unable to shorten this logic though:

if (checkCondition()) {addAlert(1);}
else if (checkCondition2()) {addAlert(2);}
else if (checkCondition3()) {addAlert(3);}
else if (checkCondition4()) {addAlert(4);}

I cannot remove the elses and thus separate the whole thing into smaller bits, cause the "else" in the "else if" helps performance – evaluating those conditions is expensive and if I can avoid evaluating the conditions below, cause one of the first ones is true, I want to avoid them.

Even semantically speaking, evaluating the next condition if the previous was met does not make sense from the business point of view.

edit: This question was identified as a possible duplicate of Elegant ways to handle if(if else) else.

I believe this is a different question (you can see that also by comparing answers of those questions).

Best Answer

Ideally I think you should extract your logic for getting the alert code/number into its own method. So your existing code is reduced all the way down to


and you have GetConditionCode() encapsulate the logic for checking conditions. Maybe also better to use an Enum than a magic number.

private AlertCode GetConditionCode() {
    if (CheckCondition1()) return AlertCode.OnFire;
    if (CheckCondition2()) return AlertCode.PlagueOfBees;
    if (CheckCondition3()) return AlertCode.Godzilla;
    if (CheckCondition4()) return AlertCode.ZombieSharkNado;
    return AlertCode.None;
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