Project Management – Explaining Time Estimation Challenges


I'm a junior developer and I find it hard to estimate how much time it takes to finish a bigger software project. I know how to structure the architecture in general, but it's hard for me to know what details I have to do and what problems I have to solve. So it's hard to estimate how much time it will take to finish a bigger project, because I don't know what problems I need to solve and how long it takes to solve them.

How do I explain this to a person that is not a software developer?

Best Answer

You could ask him/her to estimate how long it would take for her to access some far away location in an uninhabited corner of the world. As an extreme example, let's choose some lesser known peak in the Himalayas, where very few (if any) people have ever climbed on. She would need an awful lot of preparation plus practice before even starting the journey, plus a bunch of permits, each of which can delay the trip for months to years... and a good support team... then once up on the hill slope, she would need to wait and pray for good weather to start climbing towards the peak... etc. etc. Most of these are hard to impossible to estimate, even with prior experience.

And the point is: each software project is a bit like climbing a new mountain, where no one has been before, so no one has direct prior experience. Seasoned developers may have gathered experience on more or less similar projects, but there will always be new elements and surprises - otherwise, if a software project were exactly like some previous one, there would be absolutely no point doing it.