Concurrency – How to Explain Why Multi-Threading Is Difficult


I am a fairly good programmer, my boss is also a fairly good programmer. Though he seems to underestimate some tasks such as multi-threading and how difficult it can be (I find it very difficult for anything more than running a few threads, waiting for all to finish, then return results).

The moment you start having to worry about deadlocks and race conditions, I find it very difficult, but the boss doesn't seem to appreciate this – I don't think he has ever come across this. Just slap a lock on it is pretty much the attitude.

So how can I introduce him, or explain why he might be underestimating the complexities of concurrency, parallelism, and multi-threading? Or maybe I am wrong?

Edit: Just a bit on what he has done – loop through a list, for each item in that list create a thread that executes a database update command based on the information in that item. I'm not sure how he controlled how many threads executed at once, I guess he must have added them to a queue if there were too many running (he wouldn't have used a semaphore).

Best Answer

  1. If you can count on any mathematical experience, illustrate how a normal execution flow that is essentially deterministic becomes not just nondeterministic with several threads, but exponentially complex, because you have to make sure every possible interleaving of machine instructions will still do the right thing. A simple example of a lost update or dirty read situation is often an eye-opener.

  2. "Slap a lock on it" is the trivial solution... it solves all your problems if you're not concerned about performance. Try to illustrate how much of a performance hit it would be if, for instance, Amazon had to lock the entire east coast whenever someone in Atlanta orders one book!