How to find contract Android work


Two years ago, following 15+ years in Win32 and SymbianOS, I decided to intensively focus on Android. I took the best part of 2009 off work to learn the new platform thoroughly, and that seems to have been a good strategic decision: Android is everywhere now.

But it seems strangely hard to find Android development work. I have this nagging feeling that there must be some website, some secret society or labour exchange, that has somehow eluded me.

What's going on? If you're an Android contractor, how did you find your current work?

Best Answer

Start your own Android consultancy

Since you appear to be in the UK, you may wish to do the following...

Initial toe-dipping

  1. Create some demonstration Android applications in your spare time and ensure that you have a very efficient process for generating them (1 minute to have a full-featured template app to present is about right)
  2. Invent a name for yourself and build a very simple website detailing your portfolio.
  3. Find yourself a good graphics person (unless you're a great programmer with awesome Photoshop skills)
  4. Put the word out that you're available for Android work (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc). This works best if you've already built a name for yourself selling your own apps (you can add a note in the About section stating your willingness to consider other projects).

Depending on the temperature of the response, you may need to set yourself up with a company

The icy plunge

  1. Create a limited company (should cost about £90)
  2. Get yourself an accountant
  3. Get yourself a business account
  4. Start accepting cheques

After that, you're in the realms of general business advice.

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