How to Gradually Introduce Code Reviews


I'm lead on a team with a half-dozen senior engineers. I very much believe it would benefit us greatly to do code reviews for all the standard reasons. Not necessarily every change but at least a steady stream of background reviews. So people at least see other's changes and start talking about them.

Is there a good way to introduce reviews? I sense a large reluctance from the team, because it's just one more thing to do, and conversations can get painful.
I feel like reviewing every change is a non-starter, at least as a first step. I'd like people get into the rhythm and practice of doing reviews with some low frequency first before amping up the quantity.

Has anyone successfully introduced code reviews gradually? How? I've though about requiring reviews on "hot" files or libraries. Or picking at random. Or me picking "choice" must-review changes. Or is taking the plunge and doing every change the only way to go?

Best Answer

This is not a problem of tooling or process. It's about culture. You describe a team that is comprised of people who are sensitive of criticism and protective of their own work. It's very, very common. But it is not professional.

My advice is to start leading by example. Offer your commits for review. Be open about requesting that people highlight the problems in your approach. Be receptive to feedback. Do not be defensive, but instead explore the reasons behind the feedback & agree on actions as a team. Encourage an atmosphere of open dialog. Find a champion or two in your team who are willing to do this also.

It's hard work.

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