Programming – How to Handle Divide by Zero Without Exceptions

error handlingprogramming-languages

I'm in the middle of developing a new programming language to solve some business requirements, and this language is targeted at novice users. So there is no support for exception handling in the language, and I wouldn't expect them to use it even if I added it.

I've reached the point where I have to implement the divide operator, and I'm wondering how to best handle a divide by zero error?

I seem to have only three possible ways to handle this case.

  1. Ignore the error and produce 0 as the result. Logging a warning if possible.
  2. Add NaN as a possible value for numbers, but that raises questions about how to handle NaN values in other areas of the language.
  3. Terminate the execution of the program and report to the user a severe error occurred.

Option #1 seems the only reasonable solution. Option #3 is not practical as this language will be used to run logic as a nightly cron.

What are my alternatives to handling a divide by zero error, and what are the risks with going with option #1.

Best Answer

I would strongly advise against #1, because just ignoring errors is a dangerous anti-pattern. It can lead to hard-to-analyze bugs. Setting the result of a division by zero to 0 makes no sense whatsoever, and continuing program execution with a nonsensical value is going to cause trouble. Especially when the program is running unattended. When the program interpreter notices that there is an error in the program (and a division-by-zero is almost always a design error), aborting it and keeping everything as-is is usually preferred over filling your database with garbage.

Also, you will unlikely be successful with thoroughly following this pattern through. Sooner or later you will run into error situations which just can't be ignored (like running out of memory or a stack overflow) and you will have to implement a way to terminate the program anyway.

Option #2 (using NaN) would be a bit of work, but not as much as you might think. How to handle NaN in different calculations is well-documented in the IEEE 754 standard, so you can likely just do what the language your interpreter is written in does.

By the way: Creating a programming language usable by non-programmers is something we've been trying to do since 1964 (Dartmouth BASIC). So far, we've been unsuccessful. But good luck anyway.

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