MIT License – How to Include License for MIT-Licensed CSS

licensingopen source

I have a project licensed under the GPL. However, it includes a bit of code from animate.css, which uses the MIT license. How would I include the appropriate licensing information for that CSS? I've included that bit of css (maybe 25 or so lines) in my main stylesheet, so I'd rather not have a huge stamp like what's on this page, if I can avoid it.

Best Answer

IANAL, but instead of putting the whole license terms in your your CSS it's often common to put just its name and a link to the full termsso something like this would do:

/* Licensed under the MIT/X11 License ( */

Plus, as your project is GPL and you're forced to redistribute the whole source anyways, you'll have your own code-repository or code archive somewhere, in which you could have a LICENSE or CONTRIBUTING text file containing the licensing terms for your app (GPL) and dependencies (here the MIT/X11 for that bit of CSS). That's a pretty common way to go about things.

Another good example to follow (but here with GPL and MIT instead of ASL or what have you) is outlined in the Apache Foundation Developer's Guide section on Assembling Licenses.