How to justify code refactoring time


Have a very large project more than 70k LOC.

The project definitely needs some code refactoring in Core Framework and in other parts as well. There was NO time set in the beginning of the project for refactoring. However with time and more than 40 developers joint and left the project. From my perspective is indispensable.

What would be your key points in arguing and defending a proper software development principle?

Best Answer

When working on legacy or brownfield application it is tempting to do a "spring cleaning" hoping to refactor the whole thing back into shape. That is in no way justifiable use of resources. After all, how is halting development on working software (only working code can be refactored) jusitifiable? Can you guarantee the time spent on the Big Refactoring Phase is going to pay off later and not cause degeneration on the project?

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Whenever you need to implement new feature or fix a bug you see if that part needs reimprovement. Like the boy scout rule says: "Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it." Refactoring shouldn't be a separate phase, it is part of every day development.

When you get this culture of quality introduced to the development team, the quality will improve. After that there is not anything to justify to the management.