How to keep released binaries under version control

release-managementversion control

How do you keep released binaries under version control?
This allows to track which stuffs are changed between each release.
I mean to separate the released binaries from source repository.
The released binaries are either built from Continuous Integration software or manually compiled.

Best Answer

Two options:

a) Don't. Just make sure you have reproducable deterministic builds, that is, building the same source control revision with the same configuration always produces the exact same binary.

b) Designate a directory somewhere as the authoritative source for published builds. Make uploading the binaries part of the deployment / shipping procedure,and make sure the published-build directory is covered by your backup plan. You don't need any version control here; builds are write-once, if you need to change anything, you make a new build.

Either way, binaries and other build output don't belong under source control, for numerous reasons.

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