How to maintain the technical skills after becoming a project manager


As I advance in my career, I have found that I do less technical work and more project management work. I joke that I am getting dumber every day. Each time I go back to doing technical work it seems to be a little harder to get things going. What suggestions do people have for maintaining technical expertise throughout your career?

Best Answer

Keep on coding

I've always tried to steer away from a position where I'm forced to do more management than coding. In fact it's something I always point out in interviews - I'm a coder - always will be.

I would say that's #1 on keeping your technical skills sharp - as simply as it sounds - keep on coding. Whether or not that's what you want to do is a different story.

You can also try being more involved with group code reviews. Not only is this a great way of sharing knowledge and elimination key-person dependency, it will also show you what's going on in the codebase and keep your skills sharp.

The problem (in my opinion) with programmers moving into project manager positions is that there is absolutely nothing that says if you're good at programming you will be good at project management. In my experience the exact opposite is usually true.

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