Recursion – How to Mentally Keep Track of Recursive Processes


I have great trouble doing recursion, especially trying to visualize it. A great example is the aging wine problem described in the top answer of this link: In the example, you are tasked with finding the optimal sequence of wine to sell given the wine's initial prices and the fact that the prices double each year.

int p[N]; // read-only array of wine prices
// year represents the current year (starts with 1)
// [be, en] represents the interval of the unsold wines on the shelf
int profit(int year, int be, int en) {
  // there are no more wines on the shelf
  if (be > en)
    return 0;
  // try to sell the leftmost or the rightmost wine, recursively calculate the 
  // answer and return the better one
  return max(
    profit(year+1, be+1, en) + year * p[be],
    profit(year+1, be, en-1) + year * p[en]);

Above, I have a hard time visualizing. First I think what the function returns at the end of the recursion, which is a 0, then I try to calculate the value that is returned from the second to last recursion. I can do this for several steps until I get lost.

Best Answer

Don't try to descend the stack in your head. That way madness lies. By the magic of mathematic induction, every recursive invocation below you can be assumed to be debugged and already working thanks to the programmer who is the future you. Treat it like a call to a library function that you don't have the source code to. If it helps you to work it out, comment it out temporarily and replace it with its results for a test case of reasonable size.

In other words, you don't need to be able to follow the complete algorithm. All you need to know is how to make the problem slightly smaller so you can call an algorithm that already works thanks to recursive you, and write a trivial base case. I can't stress that enough. Trust that the recursive call already works. Once you do that, recursive algorithms become way easier.

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