How to modify the output of a program for which you don’t have the source code


In our company we have a small program (.exe 500Kb size) that does mathematical calculation and in the end it spits out the result on a Excel spreadsheet that we use to continue our workflow.

I want to modify the columns, spacing format and add VBA logic etc. on the Excel spreadsheet but since this parameters are not configurable in that program, it seems to me the only way to modify it is to break down/reverse engineer the .exe

Nobody knows in what language it was programmed in, the only thing we know is:

  1. Developed 20+ years ago
  2. Developer retired 10 years ago
  3. GUI Application
  4. Runs standalone
  5. Size 500Kb

Any suggestions what options I have to deal with such kind of problems? Is reverse engineering the only option, or is there a better approach?

Best Answer

Reverse engineering can become very hard, even more if you do not just want to understand the program's logic, but change and recompile it. So first thing I would try is to look for a different solution.

I want to modify the columns, spacing format and add VBA logic etc. on the Excel spreadsheet

If that is the only thing you want, and the calculation done by the program is fine, why not write a program in the language of your choice (maybe an Excel macro) which calls your legacy "exe", takes the output and processes it further.

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