How to name a method that both performs a task and returns a boolean as a status


If there is a method

bool DoStuff() {
    try {
        // doing stuff...
        return true;
    catch (SomeSpecificException ex) {
        return false;

should it rather be called IsStuffDone()?

Both names could be misinterpreted by the user:
If the name is DoStuff() why does it return a boolean?
If the name is IsStuffDone() it is not clear whether the method performs a task or only checks its result.

Is there a convention for this case? Or an alternative approach, as this one is considered flawed? For example in languages that have output parameters, like C#, a boolean status variable could be passed to the method as one and the method's return type would be void.

EDIT: In my particular problem exception handling cannot be directly delegated to the caller, because the method is a part of an interface implementation. Therefore, the caller can't be charged with dealing with all the exceptions of different implementations. It is not familiar with those exceptions. However, the caller can deal with a custom exception like StuffHasNotBeenDoneForSomeReasonException as was suggested in npinti's answer and comment.

Best Answer

In .NET, you often have pairs of methods where one of them might throw an exception (DoStuff), and the other returns a Boolean status and, on successful execution, the actual result via an out parameter (TryDoStuff).

(Microsoft calls this the "Try-Parse Pattern", since perhaps the most prominent example for it are the TryParse methods of various primitive types.)

If the Try prefix is uncommon in your language, then you probably shouldn't use it.

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