Multithreading – How to Preserve Order of Incoming Requests on a Multithreaded Server


I want to write a multithreaded server application which is able to process requests in a multithreaded fashion while keeping up execution order of incoming requests of the same client.

For example if client A sends a message M1 and then a message M2 the muiltithreaded server must process these requests in exactly the same order, first M1 and then M2. However, there is no guarantee that threads that process these incoming requests do process these messages in the same order.

For example, thread T1 consumes message M1, thread T2 consumes message M2 and completes processing the message and is able to accept further messages before T1 has finished it's job.

After a message has been processed the result will be passed to some other process for further processing (of which only one exists in the whole computation), this process will schedule sending a response to the client.

These mutliple threads do only exist for the purpose of preprocessing data for some other process. This particular problem sounds like a problem with pipeline characteristics, first M1, then M2, then M3, etc. However, I wanted to parallalize as much as possible to achieve a higher number of communication cycles between the server and the clients.

What architecture / pattern / technique is well suited for such a task?

Best Answer

One name for this kind of requirement is "Unit of Order".

For example, in Weblogic JMS, it provide such feature that, conceptually, you can put an UOO identifier with your message when you are putting message to queue. Weblogic JMS will guarantee that messages of same UOO being processed in chronological order. However, messages under different UOOs can be processed in parallel.

It all depends on what platform or technology you are going to implement it, which I believe there are a lot of way to achieve similar effect.