Scrum User Stories – How to Prevent Intentional Over-Estimation in User Stories


I am asking this from a purely hypothetical standpoint.

According to the Sprint Planning Meeting section in the Scrum Guide: "The number of items selected from the Product Backlog for the Sprint is solely up to the Development Team. Only the Development Team can assess what it can accomplish over the upcoming Sprint."


  1. What is there to stop the development team from over-estimating intentionally the time it takes to complete user stories?
  2. If there is a long-term contact with the product owner and development team, should this be defined in the contract as some sort of violation or breach of contract?
  3. Who would be responsible for discovering such a violation?
  4. How could the product owner prove that such a violation was taking place?

Thank you for reading.

Best Answer

The key point of Velocity and user story estimation is to serve as relative measurement of what can developers finish during sprint. Velocity should not be used to compare to other teams. So, if the developers will over-estimate the user stories, the velocity will go up and they will be forced to either do more work next sprint or over-estimate again.

This is what agile developers should be aware of. If you have developers that consciously go against this system, then you have people that consciously go against agile development, and those people should be handled appropriately.

Also, the product owner IS part of the development team. He is not someone from outside. He is part of the team and should be present during all important team meetings.