QA Testing – How to Test Caching Logic


I just implemented a caching layer in my web application, and now I'm wondering how QA is supposed to test it, since caching is transparent to the user.

One idea I have is to put logging in the methods that invoke the code that populate the cache, and record when an object is pulled from cache and when it requires recreation from the database, and then the testers could view the logs to see if, for example, a certain object is reloaded from the db every 10 minutes, instead of every page view.

But can anyone suggest some better practices for this situation?

Best Answer

One question is whether the cache itself is really a requirement that should be tested by QA. Caching improves performance, so they could test the difference in performance to ensure it meets some requirement.

But good idea to have some testing around caching, whoever is responsible for it. We used performance counters. If your cache system takes advantage of these, they are straightforward. If there is any way to get a count from the cache itself, that is another option.

Using your approach is nice too. If any of these are wrapped in automated tests that check the results, then no one has to look through logs to find answers.