Technical Debt – How to Quantify the Amount of Technical Debt in a Project

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Does anyone know if there is some kind of tool to put a number on technical debt of a code base, as a kind of code metric? If not, is anyone aware of an algorithm or set of heuristics for it?

If neither of those things exists so far, I'd be interested in ideas for how to get started with such a thing. That is, how can I quantify the technical debt incurred by a method, a class, a namespace, an assembly, etc.

I'm most interested in analyzing and assessing a C# code base, but please feel free to chime in for other languages as well, particularly if the concepts are language transcendent.

Best Answer

Technical debt is just an abstract idea that, somewhere along the lines of designing, building, testing, and maintaining a system, certain decisions were made such that the product has become more difficult to test and maintain. Having more technical debt means that it will become more difficult to continue to develop a system - you either need to cope with the technical debt and allocate more and more time for what would otherwise be simple tasks, or you need to invest resources (time and money) into reducing technical debt by refactoring the code, improving the tests, and so on.

There are a number of metrics that might give you some indication as to the quality of the code:

  • Code coverage. There are various tools that tell you what percentage of your functions, statements, and lines are covered by unit tests. You can also map system and acceptance tests back to requirements to determine the percentage of requirements covered by a system-level test. The appropriate coverage depends on the nature of the application.
  • Coupling and cohesion. Code that exhibits low coupling and high cohesion is typically easier to read, understand, and test. There are code analysis tools that can report the amount of coupling and cohesion in a given system.
  • Cyclomatic complexity is the number of unique paths through an application. It's typically counted at the method/function level. Cyclomatic complexity is related to the understandability and testability of a module. Not only do higher cyclomatic complexity values indicate that someone will have more trouble following the code, but the cyclomatic complexity also indicates the number of test cases required to achieve coverage.
  • The various Halstead complexity measures provide insight into the readability of the code. These count the operators and operands to determine volume, difficulty, and effort. Often, these can indicate how difficult it will be for someone to pick up the code and understand it, often in instances such as a code review or a new developer to the code base.
  • Amount of duplicate code. Duplicated code can indicate potential for refactoring to methods. Having duplicate code means that there are more lines for a bug to be introduced, and a higher likelihood that the same defects exist in multiple places. If the same business logic exists in multiple places, it becomes harder to update the system to account for changes.

Often, static analysis tools will be able to alert you of potential problems. Of course, just because a tool indicates a problem doesn't mean there is a problem - it takes human judgement to determine if something could be problematic down the road. These metrics just give you warnings that it might be time to look at a system or module more closely.

However, these attributes focus on the code. They don't readily indicate any technical debt in your system architecture or design that might relate to various quality attributes.

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