How to report a bug to developers? A programmers quest to educated on bug reporting

bug reportissue-tracking

I'm hoping to get some tips and advice on how to educate the rest of the company on how to submit proper bug reports. Currently we get tickets like:

  • When I click this link I get a 404.
    (They include the page that 404s and
    not the page that caused it)
  • Sometimes the right column flows into
    the button column. (no screenshot or
    additional information)
  • Changes to xxx does seem to be working right. (EOM)

Does anyone have a bug submission process/form that guides users into submitting as much information as possible?

Best Answer

In our organization we use a bug template that requires the following information when a bug is submitted:

  1. Short description of the bug
  2. Steps to reproduce the bug (this is a step by step procedure for reproducing the bug)
  3. Expected result (what did they expect to happen)
  4. Actual result (what actually happened)
  5. Software version and operating system

This is the minimum information required. We also ask for screenshots and application log files as appropriate for the bug in question.

We try to make our bug reporters report bugs from the users' perspective as much as possible. That makes it easier to assess the criticality of a bug more quickly so we can get it prioritized.