How to respond to a rude bug report

bug reportcustomer-relations

I just received a quite rude bug report. The user basically says that we're doing it all wrong using capital letters here and there, although he's in fact just pointing at one bug.

On one hand, I care a lot about our users and want to maintain a good relationship and a good rating of our app. On the other I'd feel like a complete sell out if I would reply overly polite.

What's a decent way of responding? What should I keep in mind? What mindset should I have?

It should be added that the user seems to be a 24 year old CS student, and our product is an Android app that we're giving away free of charge.

Best Answer

What's a decent way of responding?

Thank them for the report. Reassure them you are listening to their feedback.

What should I keep in mind?

That you can't please everyone and that some people don't seem capable of not being rude.

What mindset should I have?

You don't have to follow through on all the points that were brought up. It is your app and you decide where it goes. You will not be able to please everyone - so don't try. Make sure the group of people your app is for is catered for, but not everyone that uses it.

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