MySQL – How to Separate Sensitive Data in Database


I need to design a database that will contains information about personal disease of users.

What can be the approach in order to implement the columns of the DB's tables: encrypt the information, separate data within two differents DB, one for sensitive data and another for not sensitive data, or both or another approach?

Best Answer

You could encrypt the data with a key stored in your web application so that the data is written/read from db in its encrypted form. However anyone with access to the code would have access to the key and with the key the unencrypted data. This solves the requirement

the dba should not be able to view the information about disease of the user of the database.

As far as using to separate databases I don't think that is needed. You are storing the data encrypted and using database permissions by user, table (if that's even needed) will be more than enough. I think the extra DB adds a layer of complexity without much else. Unless its at a different location, then it might have a SMALL improvement from a single database system.

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