Simulation – How to Simulate an ATM Terminal in a POS


Recently I started same projects to improve my programming skills, so I tried to develop a point of sale software. I started to bay the required hardware (ticket printer, Barcode Scanner….) to make my personal lab, but I’m unable to find how to implement the payment process using an ATM terminal.

Is there any possibility to simulate the payment process whiteout having the equipment?

Best Answer

An 'ATM terminal' is often a magnetic stripe reader (MSR).

There are several different approaches for this:

  • Keyboard 'wedge' or USB. It hooks into the USB system and acts as another keyboard. Magtek makes some (admittedly, this is a higher end brand).
  • Integrated keyboard mag stripe reader are actually part of a keyboard as can be seen with this Cherry Keyboard.
  • NFC devices.
  • Dedicated card readers with displays (such as those by VeriFone and Ingenico)

As some of these just act as keyboards themselves, yes, you can simulate it by typing the data in from a keyboard. Otherwise, if you want to support things such as cherry keyboards and VeriFone 870 you will probably need to get one. Especially consider that these devices are often dedicated computers of their own, with their own programming languages and operating systems (in the case of the 870 I linked, its an embedded linux system).

There are libraries that try to abstract away the 'card reader' (and then you can go about making something that works with JavaPOS or the like, but from experience, these can be very frustrating to work with as they often target the lowest common denominator of devices (and that can be very low).

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