How to tackle complex business rule and logic


I have a domain expert to work with, but he would throws a lot of details to me verbally. The business logics are complex, business rules change often, the business process is long and multi-ending / intermediate wait-state. There are a lot of cases to deal with (because there are many states for the account, product and subscription).

What's the best way to deal with it? BPMN diagram isn't even low level enough to explain. Written documentations are time consuming to write and read. UML state diagram can become crazily complex very soon.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Best Answer

I would focus on use-cases and user-stories. I could document them, perhaps in a wiki, and give each one an ID (like UC00001). Then when I wrote unit tests and/or integration tests, I'd label them with the use case they inform.

Then when I get to two unit tests that can't both pass because they're mutually exclusive, I'd throw those two use cases back at the domain expert and have him/her reconcile them. That's the only way I can think of to keep it all straight.

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