Code Quality – How to Tactfully Suggest Improvements During Code Review


I'm a great believer in clean code and code craftsmanship, though I'm currently at a job where this isn't regarded as a top priority. I sometimes find myself in a situation where a peer's code is riddled with messy design and very little concern for future maintenance, though it's functional and contains little to no bugs.

How do you go about suggesting improvements in a code review when you believe there is so much that needs changing, and there's a deadline coming up? Keep in mind that suggesting the improvements be made after the deadline may mean they'll be de-prioritized altogether as new features and bug-fixes come in.

Best Answer

  1. Double-check your motivation. If you think the code should be changed, you ought to be able to articulate some reason why you think it should be changed. And that reason should be more concrete than "I would have done it differently" or "it's ugly." If you can't point to some benefit that comes from your proposed change, then there's not much point in spending time (a.k.a. money) in changing it.

  2. Every line of code in the project is a line that has to be maintained. Code should be as long as it needs to be to get the job done and be easily understood, and no longer. If you can shorten the code without sacrificing clarity, that's good. If you can do it while increasing clarity, that's much better.

  3. Code is like concrete: it's more difficult to change after it's been sitting a while. Suggest your changes early if you can, so that the cost and risk of changes are both minimized.

  4. Every change costs money. Rewriting code that works and is unlikely to need to be changed could be wasted effort. Focus your attention on the sections that are more subject to change or that are most important to the project.

  5. Form follows function, and sometimes vice versa. If the code is messy, there's a stronger likelihood that it also contains bugs. Look for those bugs and criticize the flawed functionality rather than the aesthetic appeal of the code. Suggest improvements that make the code work better and make the operation of the code easier to verify.

  6. Differentiate between design and implementation. An important class with a crappy interface can spread through a project like cancer. It will not only diminish the quality of the rest of the project, but also increase the difficulty of repairing the damage. On the other hand, a class with a well-designed interface but a lousy implementation shouldn't be a big deal. You can always re-implement the class for better performance or reliability. Or, if it works correctly and is fast enough, you can leave it alone and feel secure in the knowledge that its cruft is well encapsulated.

To summarize all the above points: Make sure that your proposed changes add value.

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