HTML5 Security – Encrypting Sensitive Data in localStorage


I'm looking for a way to have a website remember sensitive data, but without actually storing it server side. And I was looking at HTML5 localStorage to do it. Here's the plan as I see it.

  1. User enters sensitive data into form, and submits.
  2. Server encrypts data via AES-256 with a strong key that is kept in private source control.
  3. Server responds, providing encrypted data to rendered page.
  4. Page runs javascript to save encrypted data to localStorage


  1. User visits a page that uses javascript to fetch encrypted data from localStorage and sends it to the server.
  2. Server decrypts encrypted data, gaining access to sensitive information for that request.

My thinking is that that allows either the client or server to compromised, and things stay secure. If the client is compromised, then the hacker can read only an encrypted string they do not have the key to decrypt. If the server database is compromised, the data is simply not stored there so it obviously can't be accessed by the hacker.

(Obviously some types of server hacking could read sensitive data as it's coming in initially, but such a hack would work whether client storing it or not, so that doesn't apply to this discussion. Also client hacks that log keys and whatnot would still work, I'm simply talking about data storage getting compromised on either side here)

But I'm no security expert, so I am wondering if my plan has any holes in it? Any glaring security vulnerabilities I am missing here?

Best Answer

There are two big problems with this.

  1. It ties the data to that particular browser installation. So someone cant log in from a different location and access it. Or even a different browser on the same machine. That defeats the purpose of most web apps. Also, what about public machines? You'd be storing sensitive data, albeit encrypted, on publicly accessible machines.

  2. You have to be extremely careful validating the data that gets sent back to the server. Once its out of your control, you cant assume anything about it.

And then after that, your server can still be hacked, even if the data isnt compromised.

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