Hudson or Jenkins


We have been using Hudson for quite a while and we loved it. Now many Hudson-developers have "left the building" to create their own: Jenkins (which means the project has been forked). As Hudson/Jenkins users, we are now worried whether we should opt for the original "big and stable" producer Oracle, or the "small and dynamic" newcomer Jenkins.

EDIT: Our worries are mainly due to the fact that we did not really hear about this fork/split through any official ways. It looks like a guerilla action including the hijacking of logos and trademarks (after all, the copyright must be at Oracle, no? I'm not sure). So we're kinda missing professionalism here, as in well-organised course of action involving press relases, etc. Maybe we just missed that…

What are good objective reasons to decide for either project in the future? Can we postpone that decision until later, or is that too risky?

Here's one opinion about this:

Why did you choose either one?

Best Answer

To my understanding most if not all of the developers have gone to Jenkins. This will most likely mean that Oracle Hudson will stagnate around the current feature set (unless Oracle decides to either backport new packages or start developing Hudson-only plugins - which could be very likely to deal with their products).

Personally we will go with Jenkins as the Open Source development is more important to us than the Oracle-support available with Hudson.

Edit 2011-05: It appears that Oracle cleans up the plugin structure and makes it easier to write new things. Whether this will affect the above situation is hard to say yet.

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