F# – Idiomatic Way to Express Sequence of If Statements with Overlapping Conditions


Let's say I got code like this:

    do something
if(conditionA && conditionB)
    do something more

Obviously, I could nest the ifs (although when there are more complicated conditions this is not readable for me) like below:

    do something
        do something more

How can I write similar code in f# idiomatically. I assume if statement isn't considered idiomatic in functional programming (am I wrong?)

I could write two subsequent match expressions or nested match expression to mimic above code but doing so seems pretty ugly to me.

Best Answer

There's nothing wrong with using if-then-else in F#. It's as idiomatic as things can get. Most people do highlight match expressions when talking about F#, so it may seem that ifs are discouraged, but that's not really the right way to think of things.

That's true that match expressions are powerful. It doesn't take much to benefit from using them instead of ifs when:

  • you can use deconstruction in the patterns,
  • or you want to match a tuple of values,
  • or you have more cases than a binary true/false and want to handle them without building if-else towers.

That said using the construct below should be called out in a code review (and rightly so - this should have been an if):

match cond with
| true -> ...
| false -> ...

It's roughly on the same level of code smelliness as the dreaded construction you might sometimes see in bad c-style lang code:

/// this is bad, don't do this at home (just return cond).
if (cond) {
    return true;
} else {
    return false;

I don't see a problem in your second snippet with nested ifs. That said, there might be better solutions, but it's hard to suggest one when talking about do somethings and conditionBs.