I’m writing about language syntax. Is there a language out there in which parameters are placed inside method name


in JavaScript:

function getTopCustomersOfTheYear(howManyCustomers, whichYear) {
   // Some code here.
getTopCustomersOfTheYear(50, 2010);

in C#:

public List<Customer> GetTopCustomersOfTheYear(int howManyCustomers, 
 int whichYear)
   // Some code here
List<Customer> customers = GetTopCustomersOfTheYear(50, 2010);

in PHP:

public function getTopCustomersOfTheYear($howManyCustomers, $whichYear)
   // Some code here
$customers = getTopCustomersOfTheYear(50, 2010);

Is there any language out there which support this syntax:

function GetTop(x)CustomersOfTheYear(y)
    // Some code here
returnValue = GetTop(50)CustomersOfTheYear(2010);

Isn't it more semantic, more readable form of writing a function?

Update: The reason I'm asking this question is that, I'm writing an article about a new syntax for a new language. However, I thought that having such syntax for declaring methods could be nicer and more friendly to developers and would decrease learning-curve of the language, because of being more closer to natural language. I just wanted to know if this feature has already been contemplated upon or not.

Best Answer

Yes, and yes. Yes there's such a language, and yes, many people find it more readable once they get used to it.

In Objective-C, the method would be:

- (NSArray*)getTop:(int)count customersOfTheYear:(Year)year;

That's actually a pretty contrived example that doesn't read very well, so here's a better one from actual code:

+ (UIColor *)colorWithRed:(CGFloat)red green:(CGFloat)green blue:(CGFloat)blue alpha:(CGFloat)alpha;

That the prototype for a method that returns a new UIColor instance using the red, green, blue, and alpha values. You'd call it like this:

UIColor *violet = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.8 green:0.0 blue:0.7 alpha:1.0];

Read more about message names with interspersed parameters in The Objective-C Programming Language.

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