C# Simulation – How to Implement a Rule-Based Decision Maker for an Agent-Based Model


I have a hard time understanding how to combine a rule-based decision making approach for an agent in an agent-based model I try to develop.

The interface of the agent is a very simple one.

public interface IAgent
   public string ID { get; }

   public Action Percept(IPercept percept);

For the sake of the example, let's assume that the agents represent Vehicles which traverse roads inside a large warehouse, in order to load and unload their cargo. Their route (sequence of roads, from the start point until the agent's destination) is assigned by another agent, the Supervisor. The goal of a vehicle agent is to traverse its assigned route, unload the cargo, load a new one, receive another assigned route by the Supervisor and repeat the process.

The vehicles must also be aware of potential collisions, for example at intersection points, and give priority based on some rules (for example, the one carrying the heaviest cargo has priority).

As far as I can understand, this is the internal structure of the agents I want to build:

enter image description here

So the Vehicle Agent can be something like:

public class Vehicle : IAgent
  public VehicleStateUpdater { get; set; }

  public RuleSet RuleSet { get; set; }

  public VehicleState State { get; set; }

  public Action Percept(IPercept percept)
    VehicleStateUpdater.UpdateState(VehicleState, percept);
    Rule validRule = RuleSet.Match(VehicleState);
    VehicleStateUpdater.UpdateState(VehicleState, validRule);
    Action nextAction = validRule.GetAction();
    return nextAction;

For the Vehicle agent's internal state I was considering something like:

public class VehicleState
  public Route Route { get; set; }

  public Cargo Cargo { get; set; }

  public Location CurrentLocation { get; set; }

For this example, 3 rules must be implemented for the Vehicle Agent.

  1. If another vehicle is near the agent (e.g. less than 50 meters), then the one with the heaviest cargo has priority, and the other agents must hold their position.
  2. When an agent reaches their destination, they unload the cargo, load a new one and wait for the Supervisor to assign a new route.
  3. At any given moment, the Supervisor, for whatever reason, might send a command, which the recipient vehicle must obey (Hold Position or Continue).

The VehicleStateUpdater must take into consideration the current state of the agent, the type of received percept and change the state accordingly. So, in order for the state to reflect that e.g. a command was received by the Supervisor, one can modify it as follows:

public class VehicleState
  public Route Route { get; set; }

  public Cargo Cargo { get; set; }

  public Location CurrentLocation { get; set; }

  // Additional Property
  public RadioCommand ActiveCommand { get; set; }

Where RadioCommand can be an enumeration with values None, Hold, Continue.

But now I must also register in the agent's state if another vehicle is approaching. So I must add another property to the VehicleState.

public class VehicleState
  public Route Route { get; set; }

  public Cargo Cargo { get; set; }

  public Location CurrentLocation { get; set; }

  public RadioCommand ActiveCommand { get; set; }

  // Additional properties
  public bool IsAnotherVehicleApproaching { get; set; }

  public Location ApproachingVehicleLocation { get; set; }

This is where I have a huge trouble understanding how to proceed and I get a feeling that I do not really follow the correct approach. First, I am not sure how to make the VehicleState class more modular and extensible. Second, I am not sure how to implement the rule-based part that defines the decision making process. Should I create mutually exclusive rules (which means every possible state must correspond to no more than one rule)? Is there a design approach that will allow me to add additional rules without having to go back-and-forth the VehicleState class and add/modify properties in order to make sure that every possible type of Percept can be handled by the agent's internal state?

I have seen the examples demonstrated in the Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach coursebook and other sources but the available examples are too simple for me to "grasp" the concept in question when a more complex model must be designed.

An example of a rule I tried to incorporate:

public class HoldPositionCommandRule : IAgentRule<VehicleState>
    public int Priority { get; } = 0;

    public bool ConcludesTurn { get; } = false;

    public void Fire(IAgent agent, VehicleState state, IActionScheduler actionScheduler)
        state.Navigator.IsMoving = false;
        //Use action scheduler to schedule subsequent actions...

    public bool IsValid(VehicleState state)
        bool isValid = state.RadioCommandHandler.HasBeenOrderedToHoldPosition;
        return isValid;

A sample of the agent decision maker that I also tried to implement.

public void Execute(IAgentMessage message,
                    IActionScheduler actionScheduler)
    _agentStateUpdater.Update(_state, message);
    Option<IAgentRule<TState>> validRule = _ruleMatcher.Match(_state);
    validRule.MatchSome(rule => rule.Fire(this, _state, actionScheduler));

I would be grateful if someone can point me in the right direction concerning the implementation of the rule-based part.

I am writing in C# but as far as I can tell it is not really relevant to the broader issue I am trying to solve.

Best Answer

This is where I have a huge trouble understanding how to proceed and I get a feeling that I do not really follow the correct approach. First, I am not sure how to make the VehicleState class more modular and extensible.

While you have a number of specific questions here, what I see is a lot of general issues with the code you have shown here. A lot of the struggles your are having seems to be related to not using OO concepts properly. The point of creating interfaces and classes is to manage complexity. The main problem is that there's almost no encapsulation here and your objects are largely 'property bags' i.e. glorified maps/dictionaries. Let's start with your last example VehicleState. To start with, I don't think you need a VehicleState, or VehicleStateUpdater on Vehicle. Vehicle objects already have state and the updater of that state should be itself. For now let's look at VehicleState and I'll come back to that, later:

public class VehicleState
  public Route Route { get; set; }

  public Cargo Cargo { get; set; }

  public Location CurrentLocation { get; set; }

  public RadioCommand ActiveCommand { get; set; }

  // Additional properties
  public bool IsAnotherVehicleApproaching { get; set; }

  public Location ApproachingVehicleLocation { get; set; }

This is functionally equivalent to a hardcoded dictionary with types. Moreover, a lot of this doesn't make sense to me. Whether another vehicle is approaching is not part of the vehicle state. I would expect that to be part of the Percept (perceptor) state. Approaching vehicle location is part of the state of the approaching vehicle, which would already have a Location as part of it's state.

I don't understand the point of exposing the setter for Location. Something more like update which tells the vehicle to update it's state such as the Location would be typical here. Likewise, a setter for Cargo should be replaced with Load and Unload methods.

RadioCommand seems overly specific and you should probably have a Command interface and a Radio type with a GetCommand method. The HoldPositionCommandRule then becomes a HoldPositionCommand. Command and Rule might look like this:

public interface IRule
    bool public canMove();

    // ...

public class Command
    List<IRule> Rules { get; set; }

    public addRule(IRule rule) {

Then you can have:

public class HoldPositionRule : IRule
    bool public canMove()
        return false;

I put together a small working example using Python. Before anyone gets too excited, I'm not proposing this as a the best code ever written or as a really interesting agent example. My priority here is to keep things simple and short. To that end, I've eliminated route and hardcoded it as a straight line 30 units long. There are two rules: follow with minimum 2 units distance and hold position. I put three vehicles on the road and stop the simulation when the first one ('A') gets to the end. On every 10th cycle, the lead truck is given a 'hold' command and every 3rd, it's given the 'follow' command. The perceptor can only see vehicles that are ahead of it (or next to it, which shouldn't occur in this example.)

class HoldPositionRule:
    def can_move(self, distance_to_next):
        return False

class FollowingRule:
    def can_move(self, distance_to_next):
        return distance_to_next is None or distance_to_next > 2

HOLD = HoldPositionRule()
FOLLOW = FollowingRule()

class Command:
    def __init__(self, *rules):
        self._rules = rules

    def can_move(self, distance_to_next):
        for rule in self._rules:
            if not rule.can_move(distance_to_next):
                return False

        return True

class Radio:
    def __init__(self):
        self.command = Command(FOLLOW)

class Location:
    def __init__(self, position):
        self.position = position

    def update(self, rate):
        self.position += rate

    def arrived(self):
        return self.position >= 30

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.position)

    def distance(self, other):
        return other.position - self.position

def distance(a, b):
    return a.location.distance(b.location)

class Environment:
    def __init__(self):
        self.vehicles = []

    def add(self, vehicle):

    def visible(self, perceptor):
        return [v for v in self.vehicles if distance(perceptor, v) >= 0]

ENVIRONMENT = Environment()

class Perceptor:
    def __init__(self, vehicle):
        self.vehicle = vehicle
        self.location = vehicle.location
        self.visible = []

    def update(self):
        self.visible = [v for v in ENVIRONMENT.visible(self) if v is not self.vehicle]

class Vehicle:
    def __init__(self, id, location):
        self.id = id
        self.radio = Radio()
        self.location = location
        self.perceptor = Perceptor(self)
        self.rate = 1


    def arrived(self):
        return self.location.arrived()

    def look(self):

    def update(self):
        visible = [distance(self, v) for v in self.perceptor.visible]
        distance_to_next = min(visible) if len(visible) else None

        if self.radio.command.can_move(distance_to_next):

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.id}: {self.location}"

truckA = Vehicle("A", Location(0))
truckB = Vehicle("B", Location(-1))
truckC = Vehicle("C", Location(-2))

vehicles = [truckA, truckB, truckC]

for cycle in range(100):
    if truckA.arrived():

    for v in vehicles:

    if cycle % 10 == 0:
        truckB.radio.command = Command(HOLD)
    elif cycle % 3 == 0:
        truckB.radio.command = Command(FOLLOW)

    for v in vehicles:

    print(cycle, vehicles)

This is probably more simple that what you want to do but if you start with something along these lines and get it working, you can modify it to be more complicated. The two parts that will likely be the most challenging is how your perceptor pulls in environment details and how you apply rules based on the output of the perceptor. A lot of this depends on the complexity of the simulation. I would recommend starting simple and rework only when it's inadequate.

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