Scrum Agilefant – What Are ‘Leaf Stories’?


I'm just starting as a Scrum Master, and I am looking for a good web based tool for a story board. I am trying Agilefant, and they have something called "leaf stories".

I wonder what do they mean by that.

I've read about User Stories, Technical Stories, Unplanned Items, but I can't seem to find a reference to "Leaf Stories". ¿Can anyone clarify?

Best Answer

Here is a bit of a description:

The release, or project, view also contains a story tree, which is a sub-set of the product backlog, consisting of the stories, which have been assigned to the given release. During other sessions, the PO and the technical team continue to refine the "what’s hot right now" story. From previous iterations in Agilefant, they can see that the team can complete around 15 story points per iteration. Thus, the story is split to 10 child stories, which are estimated to be less than 10 story points each. These 10 stories are small enough to be implemented in iterations, and don’t need to be split to finer pieces. In Agilefant these stories are called leaf stories. Leaf stories are stories with no child stories. They are the leaves of a tree, whereas their parent stories are the branches.

Please edit your question if that doesn't seem like a good answer. I don't think it is a general Scrum term but rather something specific to the tool if you notice the 3rd last sentence from the quote.