Include internal defects into the release notes


When delivering a product, Release notes clearly contain known issues found by customer in the previous build.
But should we include defects that we, as a supplier, found during our testing, those unresolved and hence present in the build?
I mean, it makes sense to me but I would love to know what more experienced people think about that problem.

Best Answer


Otherwise, your customers may find those bugs themselves, and give you bug reports for things you've already fixed. This wastes everybody's time.

In addition, bugs may be causing your customers problems that they are unaware of. Getting notice of these issues may induce them to upgrade more quickly, reducing the scope of the issue. (Imagine for instance that you are shipping a library, and that library is being used in a commerce application. Suppose the defect in your library has a snowball effect that causes tax to be collected improperly for a particular state, but your customer has not noticed yet. This may change their decision from "Upgrade at next release" to "OMFG we need a hotfix!")