Inheritance with Singleton Design Pattern


I have come up with the following design for my requirement and want know if there is a better way to do it or if you have any feedback on the design.


Assume that an app provides different add-ons and each of these add-ons have a licence. The user is given a license key and he can activate/deactivate the license key to use that add-on.

There is also a bundle license which provides the user with a single license key that can be used to activate/deactivate all the add-ons. But there can be only one bundle license in the app.

This will be implemented in PHP.


This is the design that I have come up with.

class BaseLicense {
    protected $license_key;
    protected $addon_name;

    public abstract activate();
    public abstract deactivate();
    public abstract is_active();

class License extends BaseLicense {
    // Inherit abstract methods

class BundleLicense extends BaseLicense {
    // Inherit abstract methods

    // Singleton since there can be only one bundle license.

Best Answer

I think that the design is well oriented but I would sugggest the folowing:

  • Licences and add-ons are mapped via the $addon_name property but a matches(add_on_name) method should be added to the base class in order to know if a licence belongs to a given add-on, or better yet not pass the add-on name but the add-on itself so the matches method can do a more complex validation as to whether or not the license belongs to that add-on
  • Care should be taken in the BundleLicense to reduce the visibility of the inherited constructors so they cannot be used to instantiate. Since that could be tricky, a better solution would be that every parent class has their constructors private (I don't know if that can be enforced in PHP) and instead provide a getInstance() method. All non-singleton classes would return a new instance, but the singleton would return the same instance all the time. That way you don't hace to reduce the visibility of the superclasses' constructors, which I don't know if is possible in PHP.
  • A possible flaw is that BundleLicense seems to cover all add-ons, potentially giving access to add-ons it shouldn't give acces to. So I suggest classes to have a private list of add-on names intead of a single $addon_name property. Non bundle licenses would have a list containing a single add-on name, but bundle licenses will contain a list with two or more add-on names.