Testing – Is Inspection and Code Review Really Testing?

qualitystatic analysistestingverification

ISTQB, Wikipedia or other sources classify verification acitivities (reviews etc.) as a static testing, yet other do not. If we can say that peer reviews and inspections are actually a kind of a testing, then a lot of standards do not make sense (consider e.g. ISO which say that validation is done by testing, while verification by checking of work products) – it should at least say dynamic testing for validation, shouldn't it?
I am completing master thesis dealing with QA and I must admit that I have never seen worse and more ambiguous and contradicting literature than in this field :/
Do you think (and if so, why) that static testing is a good and justifiable term or should we stick to testing and static checks/analysis?

Wikipedia: Static testing is a form of software testing where the software isn't actually used. This is in contrast to dynamic testing. It is generally not detailed testing, but checks mainly for the sanity of the code, algorithm, or document. It is primarily syntax checking of the code and/or manually reviewing the code or document to find errors. This type of testing can be used by the developer who wrote the code, in isolation. Code reviews, inspections and walkthroughs are also used.

EDIT: One of the many sources that mentiones static testing to employ reviews etc. (look for "static testing" in Google books):

enter image description here

Best Answer

I've never heard of the term "static testing". I have only heard of the term "static analysis", which refers to any time a work product is examined without being used. This includes code reviews as well as using tools such as lint, FindBugs, PMD, and FxCop.

Here is some information from sources that I have available:

  • Section 5 (Software Testing) of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge does not reference "static testing". It refers to "static software quality management techniques" described in Section 11 (Software Quality). Section 11 only has a single mention of tools being used to support these activities, stating that the analytic static activities may be conducted "with or without the assistance of tools".
  • Ian Sommerville's Software Engineering, 8th Edition's glossary specifically mentions static analysis as being a "tool-based analysis of a program's source code to discover errors and anomalies". However, in Chapter 22.3, Sommerville does refer to inspections as "one form of static analysis". There is no reference to "static testing". This book is considered one of the canonical references about the breadth of software engineering and is often cited as recommended reading before both IEEE certification exams.
  • Roger S. Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 6th Edition makes no references to static analysis or static testing that I could find in the index or the chapters on testing.
  • Steve McConnell's Code Complete, 2nd Edition makes no specific references to either static analysis or static testing. However, Chapter 30.2 has a section about analyzing code quality. Tools to automatically check syntax and semantics are called tools that "examine the static source code to assess its quality". A specific example is Lint, which is frequently referred to as a static analysis tool by other sources.

Analysis tools can only be used to verify the product. Human reviews of artifacts can be used to perform both verification and validation. Testing that involves the software's execution can be verification, validation, or both, depending on the context. The key difference is that verification is concerned with finding mistakes and defects. In contrast, validation is concerned with ensuring the requirements adequately describe the customer/user's needs, and the work artifacts (design, implementation, and tests) correspond to the requirements (and the products that they are derived from).

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