Multithreading – Is a 1:* Write:Read Thread System Safe?


Theoretically, thread-safe code should fix race conditions. Race conditions, as I understand it, occur because two threads attempt to write to the same location at the same time.

However, what about a threading model in which a single thread is designed to write to a location, and several slave/worker threads simply read from the location?

Assuming the value/timing at which they read the data isn't relevant/doesn't hinder the worker thread's outcome, wouldn't this be considered 'thread safe', or am I missing something in my logic?

Best Answer

There are two problems:

  • If there is more than a single value being written, then without synchronization the reading threads could see partially written and thus inconsistent data. Even single values could be read in a partially written state that corresponds to none of the legitimate values (e.g. in Java, writing to double and long fields is not guaranteed to be atomic).
  • Reading threads could get outdated values for an arbitrarily long time after it's been written, due to caching. If that's not a problem, why have a writing thread at all?
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