Is a memoized pure function itself considered pure


Let’s say fn(x) is a pure function that does something expensive, like returning a list of the prime factors of x.

And let’s say we make a memoized version of the same function called memoizedFn(x). It always returns the same result for a given input, but it maintains a private cache of previous results to improve performance.

Formally speaking, is memoizedFn(x) considered pure?

Or is there some other name or qualifying term used to refer to such a function in FP discussions? (i.e. a function with side effects that may affect the computational complexity of subsequent calls but that may not affect the return values.)

Best Answer

Yes. The memoized version of a pure function is also a pure function.

All that function purity cares about is the effect that input parameters on the return value of the function (passing the same input should always produce the same output) and any side effects relevant to global states (e.g. text to the terminal or UI or network). Computation time and extra memory usages is irrelevant to function purity.

Caches of a pure function is pretty much invisible to the program; a functional programming language is allowed to automatically optimise a pure function to a memoized version of the function if it can determine that it'll be beneficial to do so. In practice, automatically determining when memoization is beneficial is actually quite a difficult problem, but such optimisation would be valid.

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