Is a one-to-none relationship one-to-one or one-to-many


I am working on an existing database design. There is one table in which each row is created with only half the columns populated (the remainder are initially all NULL, except for an is_populated column), and later a single UPDATE to populate the remaining columns (usually weeks to a month later). None of the data in any of the columns are intended to change after being populated (i.e. when they're no longer NULL). Even though the system is quite old there seem to be many more non-updated rows than updated rows.

Let's say that initially there are 5 populated columns and 5 NULL columns. After the UPDATE all 10 columns are populated. It's not allowed for the data to become unpopulated after the first UPDATE.

Is this truly a one-to-one relationship? Should both halves of the data have been initially stored in a single table or should they have been split into two? Are there any negative performance implications if doing a LEFT JOIN on the first table's primary key (which would end up returning exactly the same structure) instead of querying a single table? If I was to create a similar structure in the future should I follow this design or separate the two concerns?

Best Answer

This is an optional 1 to 1 relationship or a 1 to (0,1) relationship. A true identity relationship would be 1 to (1,1).

I find this notation useful in understanding the scale of the relationship. A one to many relationship could be 1 to (0,10), 1 to (1,5), 1 to (1, *). The fist digit is always 0 (optional) or 1 (mandatory) while the second specifies an upper boundary or unlimited/unspecified.

A many to many relationship resolves to two 1 to relationships to the required join table.

I generally find it is not useful to move optional columns out of the table. In this case, all 10 columns are required, but it is possible to create a record without having the full set of data.

The one case where I have seen identity relationships make sense is inventory-like tables, where there is tombstone data which doesn't change much and frequently changing counts. The access rights to the tombstone data are often different as well. As the system scales out this often becomes a one to many relationship with inventory counts for each location. Joins are created to only one of the tables with the same identity, if the required data is in only one of the tables.

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