Data Integrity – Is CRC Pointless with Truncated HMAC?

data integrityhmac

I am currently designing a communication protocol for an embedded system. I've decided that authentication (but not encryption) is important, so I decided to add 4 bytes of truncated HMAC signature to every packet. At the same time, I also want to be able to do data verification to ensure that the data arrives correctly and hasn't been corrupted in transit. So I was thinking of appending a CRC32 to every packet. However, wouldn't the HMAC signature also be good enough for verifying the integrity of the packet?

Is there any point in adding both an HMAC signature and a CRC32? Or is an HMAC enough?

Best Answer

The CRC32 does not give you any guarantees that the HMAC does not also give you. Put another way, the HMAC gives you all the guarantees the CRC32 gives you and more: the CRC32 protects against unintentional alteration due to common transmission problems such as noise and interference, the HMAC also protects against intentional alteration.

The CRC32, however, may be less compute-intensive to verify. So, if your communication channel is very noisy and your receiver device is CPU-constrained, it may make sense to use the additional CRC32 to quickly throw away corrupted packets without having to verify the more expensive HMAC and only do the expensive HMAC verification on packets you know were at least not corrupted during transmission.

This balance may tip, however, if your chosen CPU has built-in acceleration for the cryptographic primitives used in the HMAC.

In the particular case of a noisy channel, it would probably make even more sense to use an Error Correction Code or some other mechanism for Forward Error Correction like a Hamming or Reed-Solomon code instead of only a mere Error Detection Code like CRC32.

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