Is Domain Driven Design an Anti-SQL Pattern?


I am diving in the domain driven design (DDD) and while I go more deeply in it there are some things that I don't get. As I understand it, a main point is to split the Domain Logic (Business Logic) from the Infrastructure (DB, File System, etc.).

What I am wondering is, what happens when I have very complex queries like a Material Resource Calculation Query? In that kind of query you work with heavy set operations, the kind of thing that SQL was designed for. Doing those calculations inside the Domain Layer and working with a lot of sets in it is like throwing away the SQL technology.

Doing these calculations in the infrastructure can't happen too, because the DDD pattern allows for changes in the infrastructure without changing the Domain Layer and knowing that MongoDB doesn't have the same capabilities of e.g. SQL Server, that can't happen.

Is that a pitfall of the DDD pattern?

Best Answer

These days, you are likely to see reads (queries) handled differently than writes (commands). In a system with a complicated query, the query itself is unlikely to pass through the domain model (which is primarily responsible for maintaining the consistency of writes).

You are absolutely right that we should render unto SQL that which is SQL. So we'll design a data model optimized around the reads, and a query of that data model will usually take a code path that does not include the domain model (with the possible exception of some input validation -- ensuring that parameters in the query are reasonable).