Entity Framework Code First in Production – Is It Useful and What Are the Best Strategies?


I have been programming recently with Entity Framework 4.1 Code First and am loving it for development, but with only an end plan and a rapidly changing feature list, I am constantly modifying the Class/Database to meet the applications needs.

In development, there is no live data and I can easily just delete the entire database so it is recreated with the new schema however, obviously, when live – this is very bad!

The only solutions I can see are to either drop the metadata table and manually keep the database in sync or basically drop and reseed.

I personally prefer the first method as I think it will be a lot easier to add a column/table than to recreate and migrate data, but, unless I have missed something, this is completely moving away from Code First.

So the question really is, is Code First just about the initial development and what is a good strategy for managing EF for a production environment?

Best Answer

My opinion is that code first's automatic database creation is only for development. I answered similar questions on Stack Overflow where I described both how to upgrade the database and why is automatic functionality bad in production:

Upgrading the database is semi-manual task. There should be no automatic untested magic behind - moreover EF 4.1 currently doesn't have any such magic available (there is only some presentation about features ADO.NET team is working on).

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