Entity Framework – Is It Suitable for High-Traffic Websites?


Is Entity Framework 4 a good solution for a public website with potentially 1000 hits/second?

In my understanding EF is a viable solution for mostly smaller or intranet websites, but wouldn't scale easily for something like a popular community website (I know SO is using LINQ to SQL, but.. I'd like more examples/proof…)

Now I am standing at the crossroads of either choosing a pure ADO.NET approach or EF4. Do you think the improved developer productivity with EF is worth the lost performance and granular access of ADO.NET (with stored procedures)? Any serious issues that a high traffic website might face, was it using EF?

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

It depends a bit on how much abstraction you need. Everything is a compromise; for example, EF and NHibernate introduce great flexibility for representing the data in interesting and exotic models - but as a result they do add overhead. Noticeable overhead.

If you don't need to be able to switch between database providers, and different per-client table layouts, and if your data is primarily read, and if you don't need to be able to use the same model in EF, SSRS, ADO.NET Data Services, etc - then if you want absolute performance as your key measure you could do far worse than look at dapper. In our tests based on both LINQ-to-SQL and EF, we find that EF is significantly slower in terms of raw read performance, presumably due to the abstraction layers (between storage model etc) and materialization.

Here at SO, we are obsessive-compulsive about raw performance, and we're happy to take the development hit of losing some abstraction in order to gain speed. As such, our primary tool for querying the database is dapper. This even allows us to use our pre-existing LINQ-to-SQL model, but simply: it is heaps faster. In performance tests, it is essentially exactly the same performance as writing all the ADO.NET code (parameters, data-readers etc) manually, but without the risk of getting a column name wrong. It is, however, SQL based (although it is happy to use SPROCs if that is your chosen poison). The advantage of this is that there is no additional processing involved, but it is a system for people who like SQL. Which I consider: not a bad thing!

A typical query, for example, might be:

int customerId = ...
var orders = connection.Query<Order>(
    "select * from Orders where CustomerId = @customerId ",
    new { customerId }).ToList();

which is convenient, injection-safe, etc - but without tons of data-reader goo. Note that while it can handle both horizontal and vertical partitions to load complex structures, it will not support lazy-loading (but: we're big fans of very explicit loading - fewer surprises).

Note in this answer I am not saying that EF isn't suitable for high-volume work; simply: I know that dapper is up to it.

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