Database Design – Is Indexing Foreign Keys a Good Practice?


Looking at DB tables created by a different developer I have noticed that whenever a table had a forein_key_id field/column, it was always an INDEX/KEY.

I am not sure if it was manually created, or automatically by some 3rd party software. However, I myself usually created keys using different principles. i.e. Just because it is a foreign key, I don't use that fact to also make it an INDEX. I would typically look at JOIN considerations and JOIN performance individually for a particular query first.

So I am curious to find out more about this — do foreign keys have to be made into an INDEX? If yes, what is the rationale behind it?

Best Answer

  • Most, if not all, RDBMS automatically create an index on a FK because a FK means you will be doing joins using those columns.

  • It's standard RDBMS behavior based on the fact that you will be using those columns in searches.

  • A query with a join in it, even when absent a WHERE clause, is doing searches on the joined columns and comparing then with the PK of another table-

  • RDBMSs like to speed up joins. So they create an index on FK.

  • The optimizer, based on statistics, or based on access costs will decide whether or not to use such an index when executing a query.

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