Programming Practices – Using GUI Designer Tools with Code Generation in Java/C++

guiprogramming practices

In a stackOverflow question I have read that using a GUI designer program can generate lots of messy code and is considered to be a bad practice unless you're making smaller programs.

My question is why and how. Is it bad to use a GUI designer program? Why?

Additional details:

  • Programming on a Windows platform;
  • Only programming in C++/Java for windows programs.
  • For IDE I've been using visual studio 2010 (Not the express edition) since it comes with the GUI designer.

Best Answer

It is not bad practice to use GUI designer to design your forms, GUI. Esp in Visual Studio. They are there for this purpose and are extensively used.

In web development, it is a different story. It is a bad practice to use GUI designer (for example Microsoft Front Page now superseded by WebMatrix). The reason

  • They provide a lot of extra code that you do not really need. They basically create junk.
  • They increase the size of the html document. Which is HIGHLY undesirable for high end site which a large number of hits.
  • They are hard to maintain because of a lot of extra junk code

So as far as your question, it is not bad practice to use GUI in design forms esp in Visual Studio. Not at all.

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