Is Auto Formatting Code in Eclipse a Good Idea?

code formattingeclipse

I use eclipse for coding, and the language which we use is Java.
Once it was suggested by someone that to properly format the code,
using the auto formatter(CTRL+SHIFT+F)
While this command does format the code, but sometimes I feel that overall
look becomes weird, and it is not actually very readable.

So is this a recommended thing to do?
If not what is the better of formatting our code in eclipse ?

Best Answer

Strict code formatting rules are useful when several developers work on the same code using a version control system. Merging can be a pain if different developers have different formatting rules as the same code would look different for the merging tool.

Eclipse (or any good IDE for that matter) has code formatting rules that can be customized in the preferences section (Java > Code Style > Formatter). Choose what you like best, but have also a look at the Java standard code conventions. Many open source projects also have their own code conventions that can be enforced with the Eclipse formatter.

In addition there are standard tools like CodeStyle, PMD and Findbugs that enforce additional rules and help avoid common (low-level) anti-patterns and mistakes.

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