Is it bad form to break out of Range-based for


I have a range-based for that operates over a std::vector of objects (items), like so:

for(auto item : itemCollection)
      // do 5% stuff

   // do the 95% stuff

Most of the time (>95%) the loop operates on the entire container, however, if some_check() returns a false (about 5% of the time), it'll break out of the loop early.

Is it considered bad form to break out of a range-based for? Should I instead use a while or a C++03-style for(...;...;...) here?

Best Answer

No, it is never bad form to break out of any loop early unless you are aware of an invariant that will always break early. I have seen loops process the first element only:

for (auto item : itemCollection) {
  // do the 95% stuff

This code should never be used, unfortunately I have seen it in production code several times in the past. Of course this prompted a code review.

Anyway, this does not appear to be your case. I would still reconsider the design of your algorithm though. Why break out of the loop just because one element somewhere in the container fails a check? Why not skip that element? Maybe looking at the big picture will reveal a better way of doing whatever you are trying to do. It is difficult for me to give more guidance without more of the code and the overall design.

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