Is it bad to use POST only on an API

apiapi-designweb services

I'm about to develop a new API for our website. Part of the design I've considered to use the POST and GET methods but after reading some security stuff I realise that GET is a bit less secure(i.e. allows hotlinking) than POST.

So my question is why people use GET in an API if is less secure? Is it just a legacy conception that "GET" should be used to read and POST to write (i.e. forms). The GET method still makes sense to me for an image URL or a website page which you can bookmark but does it make sense for an API? Using the same method (i.e. POST) would make the API more consistent too as you don't need to worry about the method.

I should mention that I don't want to argue against the HATEOS/RESTful thing because I'm planning a RPC api (i.e. like twitter, facebook etc).

Best Answer

So my question is why people use GET in an API if is less secure?

People often think using POST requests are a solution to CSRF but POST requests are still vulnerable and if CSRF prevention is your goal then you should implement a CSRF token.

However, CSRF is not usually considered a threat to an API because the fundamental premise of a CSRF attack (ie. one site making a request to another without human action) is actually the intention. To give a really simple example, a malicious site which submits a form to works because the user already has an authentication cookie set for However, if an AJAX request was made to it wouldn't work because the cookie won't be sent and therefore the user won't already be authenticated.

To authenticate with an API you usually have to pass something like an authentication token/key which an attacker would have to know, compared to the other example where the attacker didn't have to know the cookie value to invoke an authenticated action.

With regard to GET vs. POST, if you're trying to achieve a RESTful interface then GET and POST have different functions. GET should be used for retrieving (reading) a resource, whereas POST should be used for submitting a new one.