Is it good practice to put bug analysis and fix code in bug report

bug reportdevelopment-processissue-tracking

When I fix a bug I mention briefly what was the issue and in which revision its fixed. But this way nobody would know how much tricky the issue was and how much effort went in analysis and findings.

What is the best practice for a developer to show such things to higher management to get noticed?

Best Answer

To put bug analysis in there is a good practice, for the reasons you mentioned (just avoid being overly verbose).

This way, people reading it (including your future self) would know how much tricky the issue was and how much effort went in analysis and findings. Also, this way simplifies maintenance in the case when further changes are required related to your fix, because one could read bug report and understand why things were changed one or another way.

Just don't expect this to directly make you get noticed by higher management, because this is a different matter, a matter of workplace visibility, and this would require other skills and approaches. For the purpose of visibility, details you put into bug reports play only auxiliary, secondary role, allowing you to quickly find and get these details when necessary. Being capable to quickly pull out a clear explanation for tricky technical matters may give one a certain edge visibility wise, but it does not guarantee a major advantage.

To put fix code (except for snippets that are relevant in your analysis) into a bug report is another matter, typically a bad practice, as it is expected to be in VCS.

Good issue trackers integrated with VCS can even automatically refer readers to changes related to the fix. For an example on how this could be, take a look on Integrating JIRA with Subversion:

JIRA's Subversion integration lets you see Subversion commit information relevant to each issue. Subversion integration can be implemented either by using Atlassian FishEye or the Subversion add-on... both solutions allow you to link JIRA to related code changes in Subversion.

Commits will appear in this tab if the commit log mentions the issue key ('TEST-3' above)...

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