Is it legal to recreate/opensource a program that you previously coded for another company

legalopen source

At my previous job I created a generic dashboard for automating tasks and it that turned out to be quite useful – and of course my previous employer owns all the code I wrote while I worked there. Now that I'm no longer there, is it legal for me to recreate that dashboard from memory and open source the code? If I do recreate it, the code (maybe 2k-3k lines) could be almost identical to the original since I have pretty good memory and tend to follow my usual coding style and naming conventions.

Edit: a little more background – this is a pretty generic piece of software that's used only internally by a small team (<10) within a global corporation. "The company" is not even aware of this system since it's I create it on my own initiative. It's built on python/django. And by almost identical I mean that for example the django models will have the same name/fields and views will use similar queries to return the same sets of objects.

Best Answer

Good question, but it's probably the wrong place to ask because you won't get good legal advice from programmers. IANAL, seek proper legal advice.

It doesn't feel legal. There's a very good chance that if you release an almost identical program to the one that your old company owns you could be sued. That said I'm sure it happens a lot.

One thing you could do is recreate the program in a different language. That way it's clear that you didn't walk out of the company with the source code & then open-source it. It's also educational to solve a problem you are familiar with in a different language.

I'd also suggest thinking about ways to improve the program, make it more extensible etc. The second time you do something is almost always a lot better than the first because you can avoid all of the "I wish I'd done it that way" design decisions that you may have made the first time.

Even if you never release it it would be a good exercise. If ultimately you get legal advice & choose to release it you will be better protected.

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