Password Security – Is It More Secure to Hash a Password Multiple Times?


I've read a few times that when storing passwords, it's good practice to 'double hash' the strings (eg. with md5 then sha1, both with salts, obviously).

I guess the first question is, "is this actually correct?" If not, then please, dismiss the rest of this question 🙂

The reason I ask is that on the face of it, I would say that this makes sense. However, when I think about it, every time a hash is rehashed (possibly with something added to it) all I can see is that there is a reduction in the upper bound on the final 'uniqueness'… that bound being related to the initial input.

Let me put it another way: we have x number of strings that, when hashed, are reduced to y possible strings. That is to say, there are collisions in the first set. Now coming from the second set to the third, is it not possible for the same thing to occur (ie. collisions in the set of all possible 'y' strings that result in the same hash in the third set)?

In my head, all I see is a 'funnel' for each hash function call, 'funneling' an infinite set of possibilities into a finite set and so on, but obviously each call is working on the finite set before it, giving us a set no larger than the input.

Maybe an example will explain my ramblings?
Take 'hash_function_a' that will give 'a' and 'b' the hash '1', and will give 'c' and 'd' the hash '2'. Using this function to store passwords, even if the password is 'a', I could use the password 'b'.

Take 'hash_function_b' that will give '1' and '2' the hash '3'. If I were to use it as a 'secondary hash' after 'hash_function_a' then even if the password is 'a' I could use 'b', 'c' or 'd'.

On top of all of that, I get that salts should be used, but they don't really change the fact that each time we are mapping 'x' inputs to 'less than x' outputs. I don't think.

Can someone please explain to me what it is that I am missing here?


EDIT: for what it's worth, I don't do this myself, I use bcrypt. And I'm not really concerned about whether or not it's useful for 'using up cycles' for a 'hacker'. I genuinely am just wondering whether or not the process reduces 'security' from a hash collision stand point.

Best Answer

This is more suited on security.stackexchange but...

The problem with


is that this is only as strong as the weakest hash function in the chain. For example if hashn (the innermost hash) gives a collision, the entire hash chain will give a collision (irrespective of what other hashes are in the chain).

A stronger chain would be

hash1(hash2(hash3(...hashn(pass + salt) + pass + salt) + pass + salt)...) + pass + salt)

Here we avoid the early collision problem and we essentially generate a salt that depends on the password for the final hash.

And if one step in the chain collides it doesn't matter because in the next step the password is used again and should give a different result for different passwords.

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