C Programming – Is It Necessary to Follow the Standard?


There are some very experienced folks on Stack Overflow who always talk about the C standard. People seem to not like non-portable solutions, even if they work for me. Ok, I understand that the standard needs to be followed, but doesn't it put shackles on programmer's creativity?

What are the concrete benefits that come from following a standard? Especially since compilers may implement the standard slightly differently.

Best Answer

There are a few reasons why sticking to the standard is a good thing.

  1. Being locked into a compiler sucks hard. You're completely at the mercy of a group of developers with their own agenda. They're obviously not out to get you or anything, but if your compiler starts lagging on optimizations, new features, security fixes etc, too bad; You're stuck. In extreme cases some companies have to start patching whatever tool they have made themselves dependent on. This is a huge waste of money and time when there are other working tools out there.

  2. Being locked into a platform sucks harder. If you're pushing software on Linux and and want to switch to Windows because you realize your market is really there, you're gonna have a heck of a time changing every non-portable hack you've got in your code to play nice with both GCC and MSVC. If you've got several pieces of your core design based around something like that, good luck!

  3. Backward incompatible changes sucks the hardest. The standard will never break your code (Ignore python). Some random compiler writer though might decide that really this implementation specific add-on is not worth the trouble and drop it. If you happen to rely on it, then you're stuck on whatever old outdated version it was last in.

So the overriding message here, sticking to the standard makes you more flexible. You have a more limited language sure, but you have more

  • Libraries
  • Support (people know the standard, not every intricate compiler-specific hack)
  • Available platforms
  • Mature tools
  • Security (future proofness)

It's a delicate balance, but completely ignoring the standard is definitely a mistake. I tend to organize my C code to rely on abstractions that might be implemented in a non-portable way, but that I can transparently port without changing everything that depends on the abstraction.

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