Is it ok to have validation layer before access control layer


I am creating an API strcutured web application and in this application we have different layers which are doing their own job.

First layer is Validation layer which validate user input and if it passes the validation we move that to second layer (which is Access Control layer ) otherwise return the error message

Second layer is Access Control which checks if user has permission to perform the task it wants to perform, If user has permission it moves the request to next layer otherwise return error message

Third Layer is Controller Layer where we have the logic of application

My question is that is that ok to have validation layer before access control ? What if user are trying to perform a task which user doesn't have permission to and we are sending back validation error message ? User would be sending requests to an endpoint and talking with validation layer and once it passes the validation only then he would see the message You can't access this!

It feels strange to me so is it fine like this or what could be my other options in infrastructure this?

Best Answer

It depends on whether knowing the validity of some input for a task that you aren't permitted to do is a security leak. If it is, you really should to do it the other way round.

The only safe response to an unauthorised user is "access denied". If sometimes the response is "bad request" and other times "access denied", you are sending information to an unauthorised user.

As an example, you could have a check in the validation of the "delete document" task that the named document exists. Someone with no permissions would be able to discern whether something exists by attempting to delete it, and comparing which error they receive back. A particularly determined attacker could enumerate all document names (under a certain length), to see which exists.